Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Me, myself and I

So, all I have told you so far is that my name is Olivia. I am going to be 20 in a couple of months. I am studying Earth Science in University College Cork. I absolutely love it. My course consists of geology and geography. However, you would be surprised at how broad those two subjects really are. My main interests are the atmosphere and also the workings of the inner earth. That would be plate tectonics mainly. Space and the geophysics of the world is also an incredibly interesting topic. A question many students face nowadays is "what are you going to do afterwards?" I'm afraid that at this stage in our degrees, we can't tell you. This is a picture of James and I at our Class rep training in Killarney. This pictures defines how much fun we had. You will hear more about James soon.
My friend James & I

I was born in England. I lived there until I was 7. That brings me to my Blog address. 'Tithe Walk' was the address of where I lived in England. It will always be in heart. As will England. All of our family were living in Ireland and that was our main reason for moving here. And although I didn't want to leave my friends, I am glad that we moved to Ireland. 
Antrim, Ireland
It is an amazing country with beautiful scenery. I love Cork City. The people here are such fun and always up for a good time. I love music, fashion, going out, staying in, exploring, learning and my friends and family. I can't go without mentioning my wonderful new puppy. He is a Shih Tzu and he is one funny puppy. 
I hope to post again during the week.
Olivia <3 

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